import sys from typing import Annotated, Optional import typer from aides_spec.utils.empty_template import create_from_empty_template from aides_spec.utils.from_pkgbuild import ( PkgbuildDownloader, create_from_pkgbuild, ) app = typer.Typer() def process_empty_template(output_file: str): """Handles creation from an empty template.""" typer.echo("Creating spec from an empty template...") create_from_empty_template(output_file) def process_from_aur(package_name: str, output_file: str): """Handles creation from an AUR package.""" typer.echo( f"Downloading PKGBUILD for package '{package_name}' from AUR..." ) try: content = PkgbuildDownloader.download_and_extract(package_name) create_from_pkgbuild(content, output_file) except Exception as e: typer.echo( f"Error downloading PKGBUILD for '{package_name}': {e}", err=True ) sys.exit(1) def process_from_pkgbuild(file_path: str, output_file: str): """Handles creation from a local PKGBUILD file.""" typer.echo(f"Reading PKGBUILD from local file '{file_path}'...") try: with open(file_path, "rb") as f: content = create_from_pkgbuild(content, output_file) except IOError as e: typer.echo(f"Error reading file '{file_path}': {e}", err=True) sys.exit(1) @app.command(help="Create spec (empty, from PKGBUILD or AUR)") def create( from_aur: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option(help="Package name to fetch from AUR") ] = None, from_pkgbuild: Annotated[ Optional[str], typer.Option(help="Path to local PKGBUILD file") ] = None, empty_template: Annotated[ Optional[bool], typer.Option(help="Create spec from an empty template") ] = None, ): """Main function to handle spec creation.""" output_file = "" if empty_template: process_empty_template(output_file) elif from_aur: process_from_aur(from_aur, output_file) elif from_pkgbuild: process_from_pkgbuild(from_pkgbuild, output_file) else: typer.echo( "No valid option provided. Use --help for usage details.", err=True ) sys.exit(1)